
our environment for elementary-aged kids


Our Vision

In Kids Ministry, our vision is for kids to follow Jesus closer today than they did yesterday. With engaging worship and biblical teaching, we help develop intentional relationships with kids and their leaders, all while partnering with parents to raise their kids to know and follow Jesus.

Our Mission

To create an engaging environment that is energetic and involved
To present accurate biblical teaching that is applicable and understandable
To develop intentional relationships that leave an unforgettable impact on the next generation

Our Strategy

We use a children’s curriculum by the ReThink Group called 252 Basics, which is built upon Luke 2:52 (NIV), "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."

Before your child leaves our ministry, we want them to know these three basic truths:

I need to make the wise choice.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


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